Past To Present

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

My LIfe

Lets start this blog with how i came into this world... I was given birth by my mum with the help of my dad -_- Alright anyway, my family consists of 'claptrap' You can say its complete or inordinate. Not much of a interaction at home. Neither am i a blabbermouthed individual in my primary school days . In another words, its dull. Ergo, lets fast forward to my secondary days...

Thinking back, its a horrifying start... entering school with my ultra thick, lookalike mushroom ... HAIR! Another 4 yrs of school.. just get it over and done with . Nothing interesting is gonna happen ... Its a girls school -_-

But guess what! My life changed after a haircut. Yes ! That haircut was an important issue. Thanks to the hairdresser which i cant recall. Changed in the way of ?!?!?! Hmm .. a senior got attracted by me, came into my life and taught me whats lesbian. Haha yah and stages of formation to become a butch begin...Lets jump pass those details and give a conclusion. At the age of 11, i had a boyfriend which was non-memorable but at the age of 12, i became a butch and been through lots of relationships and unforgettable playful moments for approximately 9 plus years. And at the age of 21, Ive made a decision that once again turn my life around... Im straight! In the sense that im a girl 'again'. Reason for the big change, my dad. His old and wish to see his daughter go normal so yah release of the boobs! Its not something i wish to do in fact its kinda depressing as i cant 'enjoy' my life the way i desire. Merely, its something i felt i should do for an old man who has took care of my life for the pass years. Moreover, i left home since 15 and had not been filial.

Months after the dummy run, i got into a relationship with a guy. Do i love him, am i ready to love a guy? Confidently, the answer to my own question is NO.It would be more appropriate if i say his a very close buddy who have nigher activties -_- Ok thats a bad way of saying...

Today, im one who is stuck in the position of attempting to love a guy and admiring girls with my heart. -_-' Craps


Candy said...
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